Minecraft Fancy Brick Fence Guide

Here’s a quick design inspiration for Minecraft, created by our excellent builder Grumbly. This is a fancy brick fence creation, and it’s fairly easy to make. This will require some fence pieces, bricks, sandstone slabs and some granite.

In survival this may take a bit of work to create since you’ll need to use furnaces, but for creative it’ll be easy to produce for your worlds. It’s a very visually appealing creation, and one that really looks nice within my recent sandbox world. To start you’ll place posts around an area, this will start with a simple brick foundation. Minecraft Brick Fence Design Ideas
The outside areas that are lengthy in terms of how far they extend, will be short. These extension aspects of the fences will contain just a brick and a sandstone slab on top. Between the posts you’ll want to include five metal fence pieces. You could switch out some wooden fence pieces also if desired. Now, the dynamic aspect of this is when you get to gates.

You’ll want the post prior to the fence being two brick blocks and a sandstone slab on top of that. The post just prior to an open area will be a brick piece, a granite block, another brick piece and then finally a sandstone slab on top. Between this area you’ll make the middle fence area an opening.

You can add a single fence piece bending inwards or outwards in order to make it feel like an open gate, but that aspect is up to you. That should definitely go over this really cool fencing design, and hopefully you’ll find it useful for your world or as an inspiration for other builds. I imagine you could coordinate other types of designs for these blocks color, or texture wise as well.

Again, a huge thanks for Grumbly for building these incredible designs for this guide, he does amazing work and you can see his landscaping efforts within the Minecraft hub area. Hopefully you found this helpful, you can read about basic lamp post building below or check out our hub for further coverage.

Our Minecraft Hub
Read our Simple Lamp Post Guide

Gamerheadquarters Reviewer Jason Stettner