Journey to the Savage Planet Fuel Locations Guide

Release Date: January 28, 2020
Platforms: Xbox One, Playstation 4, PC
Publisher: 505 Games
Developer: Typhoon Studios

In Journey to the Savage Planet you need to escape during, or after you complete your mission. To do this you’ll need to find fuel, and there are five locations that will need to be discovered. These are fairly easy to find, and readily present at various teleporter locations. You won’t need to travel very far, or take on many challenges in order to acquire them. It’s easy to capture the resource as well since just interacting with it will complete the collection of it.

Journey to the Savage Planet Box Art

Review Score: 8.6/10
Install Size: 5.63 GB
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Fuel Locations Guide

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Details & Highlights
Fuel Spot #1
Landing Site: From the “Towering Crystals” grapple up on the platforms right in front of the teleporter. Once at the top run straight towards where you would normally grapple up again but keep going and you’ll notice a cave. These fuel objects are green with grey decorative urn edges to them. Easy to spot, and it’s right in the open.

Fuel Spot #2
The Itching Fields: From “Fungi of Si’ned VII” head up the path towards the large brown overhanging area and head left to a back spot where it’s red. At the far end of it you’ll notice a large flat area where you need to use the smash ability in order to access it. The desired item is right in there. If you need extra context there are purple looking cactus right in front of this section.

Fuel Spot #3
The Itching Fields: From the “Festering Chasm” head straight up the blood grass covered path and hook a right around it towards an area for grappling. Keep running past that and you’ll see a large mushroom sticking out of the path, head in behind it for what you are seeking.

Fuel Spot #4
The Itching Fields: From the “Festering Chasm” head right through the blood liquid stuff and use your super jump twice in a row. Once at the top you’ll see a cave that requires an explosive berry item in order to open it. When the wall is blown up, your fuel can be found within that spot. Super easy to find, with literally just jumping and no walking from the teleporter to access it.

Fuel Spot #5
The Itching Fields: From the “Planetary Flotsam” Go straight and jump to the first floating platform. From there just towards the left and keep crossing the platforms. Eventually there’s a grappling spot, use that and then hop over one more platform. On the left you’ll see another grappling area which will send you smoothly along a sort of floating rail. This throws you into a cave and the fuel is found right in there.