About Us - Review Scoring Metric
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Webmaster; Reviewer (Xbox, PC, Playstation, Nintendo, Mobile, Movies)
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Movie Writer
Founded in 2009 Gamerheadquarters is a site dedicated mostly to reviews, previews, articles, opinions and videos about the gaming industry. We produce content based on Xbox; Playstation, PC, Windows 10, Nintendo and Mobile platforms. The site was revamped in 2014 with that being considered a refresh. While there's a focus on reviews and opinion based articles there's definitely a selection of news that we consider to be unique or of which we're first to produce.
Aside from purely gaming, the site has grown with a look at the current culture surrounding the industry with various events across North American. Additional growth went towards film based content from theatrical to streamed releases along with some small coverage for technology based products. Information on our film industry coverage, review metrics and promotional offerings can be found below.
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Press Events
We're proud to be covering / have covered the following events with offical press passes / invites for each of the listed below.
This was a special event taking place in Montreal, where we were flown out to take a look at the game months ahead of release. Details on that here: Shadow of the Tomb Raider Montreal Reveal
RSS Feeds
We're proud to be involved in the "OpenCritic Contributor Program", a NAVGTR Certified Voter
You can view some "promotional options on GH here." We offer a number of ways to promote content whether that's in terms of advertisement or written and video based services.
We do giveaways occasionally: See the Giveaways
Youtube Content
Video content is important and we have a Youtube Channel "Skycaptin5" where we post gameplay and other content based on the site. The site and the channel work together to generate further reach with it currently having over 76,000 subscribers and over 50 million views which we think is great!
Film coverage started in 2016 which has been great growth for the site and we're now working with top studios to cover their films. We're lucky to view screenings at the theater and smaller indies at home to provide reviews ahead of release for many movies.
Who we work with and their hubs to see the movies we've covered for them thus far: Universal Pictures | Paramount Pictures | Warner Brothers | Walt Disney Pictures | Lionsgate | Netflix | Disney+
Ratings & Metrics
Here at Gamerheadquarters we have a ranking system that goes from 0-10 with all points in between. The scales of why or what every single point means are below. If a game is available across multiple platforms with little to no difference a separate score nor review is to be made.
The reviews provide various points of view on titles and we hope that these scores correctly represent the games we play, we take the scores seriously as well hoping they provide reference for gamers looking to play them. As we love games and I know that you do as well.
View our Ratings & Metrics Explanation Page
Privacy Policy
We have a privacy policy on GH. That can be read here