Pax Online 2020 Hub

Pax Online 2020 Hub with all the latest Previews; Videos, Articles and Information covered live by Jason Stettner during September while at home. COVID times create at home media situations.

Pax West 2017 Highlights

The party has moved to a digital space. The Pax Online 2020 event brings together a selection of demos and interesting ways to interact with big companies in gaming. It’s not exactly the same as seeing the crowds or enjoying the stellar cosplay individuals put together.

It is a nice replacement to try and replicate that experience virtually. This includes coverage from the event that runs from September 12-20th 2020. It’s a really large change for the type of event that’s typically held in locations worldwide.

It bridges together the times of Pax with EGX in order to bring the gaming time home using some major advancements in current technology. It’s definitely quite a change, but a sign of the times under the whole COVD situation that continues to disrupt global conventions and will do so for awhile to come.